Timothy Murray Graduate Travel Grants

The Society for the Humanities announces a grant competition for the Timothy Murray Graduate Travel Grants in the Humanities. Grants up to $1000 will be awarded to post-A exam graduate students whose primary field of study is in the humanities.  Applicants must complete the A-exam before the date of the proposed research trip.

Funds from this grant cycle are intended to support activities occurring July 2025 through June 2026. Preference will be given to post-A-exam doctoral students. The competition will be adjudicated by the Humanities Council. 

If traveling internationally or to an "elevated risk" destination, please contact Graduate School Student Services (gradstudserv@cornell.edu) and register travel in Cornell’s international travel registry. Elevated risk travel requires a petition, as detailed here.  Applicants do not need to gain approval before submitting an application, but funds for travel will not be released until approved.

Applicants cannot have received and used Timothy Murray Grant funds within the previous academic year. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received funds in the past two academic years.

Application Guidelines

Applicants should submit the following materials as one .pdf file:

  1. Proposal title
  2. CV
  3. 1-page dissertation abstract
  4. 1 to 3-page description of the research plan
  5. Brief budget proposal
  6. Date you completed your A-exam


Sent under separate cover: Applicants should request that their Committee Chair send a brief letter of recommendation to Durba Ghosh, Taylor Family Director, c/o Amanda Brockner (alb448@cornell.edu).

Deadline: March 21, 2025

Please submit your application here: https://cornell.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bKF8jpJgIWvmCsm

Please direct questions to Amanda Brockner, alb448@cornell.edu.

