Humanities Impact Grants

Thanks to a special fund provided by the vice president for research and innovation, the Humanities Council is pleased to announce 1-2  $10,000 grant(s) to support research projects that engage in broader public conversations with social impact in mind. These terms (“public conversation,” “social impact”) are intentionally capacious to encourage projects that are ambitious, perhaps unconventional, and propose unexpected connections between humanities research and wider publics—from close reading, archival research, performance, language acquisition, and translation to fields such as the medical humanities, digital humanities, racial justice, and climate change.

Applicants are encouraged to extend the frame of traditional research and creatively bring together faculty (and students) to showcase how the humanities impact people, communities, and/or the globe. Whether individual or collaborative research projects, priority will be given to creativity, new pathways, and unexplored ideas. The context can be historical, social, literary, or cultural as long as the perspective is deeply humanistic and the results of the research communicated to audiences beyond Cornell. 


Faculty members holding regular appointments in humanities departments (including tenured, tenure-track, and professors of the practice*) are eligible to apply. Applicants cannot have received Humanities Impact or Humanities Research Grant funds within the previous academic year. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received funds in the past two academic years.

*If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact Amanda Brockner, 

Successful applications will:

  • demonstrate a clear problematic that ties to significant ways the humanities impact human experience, past, present, or future
  • relate to areas of contemporary public concern
  • show the unique values and contributions of humanistic research  
  • engage a broad audience via, for example, popular publications, events, apps, digital humanities projects, or virtual archives
  • build communities of scholars within and beyond the academy

How can I use the funding?

  • bringing scholars and public intellectuals to Cornell
  • research travel
  • technological support: website development, archival collections, etc
  • hiring research assistants

Humanities Research Grants

All applicants for the Humanities | Impact grant will automatically be considered for Humanities Research Grant funds (i.e. if you do not receive the $10,000 award, you may qualify for up to $5,000 in Humanities Research Grant funds). 

Application Guidelines

Applications should consist of the following materials in a single .pdf file:

  1. Proposal title
  2. Brief project description with a plan of work detailing what one proposes to accomplish during the grant, please speak to the impact of your project (2-4 pages)
  3. Applicant CV
  4. A detailed budget proposal
  5. Supporting documents as appropriate
    • CVs of any collaborators or visitors
    • For activities with a visitor, note proposed activities and groups involved in the activities

Deadline: March 21, 2025

Please submit your application here:

Please direct questions to Amanda Brockner,

A complete list of Humanities Impact Grant Recipients can be found here.
